
Reviews by Satanic_Spirit

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  • Lukewarm to curious

    When I first seen this map all I could notice was the lack of variety as the map felt like a tunnel followed by a big room. When you play it again you will learn about the little details that are put into the map and the implementation of some creative ideas. Streams that push you back, water fountain, the boat ride event, the water filter event, dynamic light fixtures and voice acting just to name a few. 
    Some of my biggest complains about the map are each chapter being too long, the finale-esque event on map 1, continuation of map 2 after another event that could pass for a finale. The pacing could be refined and I'm well aware that this is author's first attempt. 
    Overall, I think the map is well made with a lot of thought put into it each room. The pacing can be improved with future updates. Considering the map is still in development its a solid effort.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

    • Thanks. I'll look into ways to give a "break" or resting area in maps 1/2 without having to redo them all and the nav associated with it. Whether resting in an area during game or having a loading screen popup would serve the same purpose - some items etc.. Maps will have to be updated anyways with more coming.

      This comment was posted before the latest release.

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