
Reviews by Azure-Supernova

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  • Pros:

    + Excellent atmosphere. The dark environments make it quite tense at times.
    + Fair resources. I was never short on ammo, pills or first aid.
    + Intense Crescendo Events. Particularly the one in the lab had me sweating!
    + New hazard! I loved the electrified water. New and fresh hazard to tackle. Also the fake safe room made me jump a little.
    + Balanced difficulty. Will detail in Conclusion.


    - Lighting. Whilst tense, sometimes it was simply too difficult to see anything.
    - Over generous in resources. Whislt I was appreciative, it kinda killed the difficulty when with friends.
    - Huge gap until the first safehouse. Not a problem with friends, but with bots I died a couple times.
    - Electrified water wasn't obvious. Coming across it the first time two of us managed to die from it.
    - I don't know if it's me but I hit a couple bugs. Will detail in Conclusion.


    Difficulty: It's up and down (mostly down with AI) and the CEDA lab Crescendo is the most challenging I've played so far. Sometimes though things just seem and I feel like I'm being kicked in the teeth. In particular the electrified water part. It's great once you know about it, but without a warning you stumble right in there. Sometimes a Witch will spawn on a desk by the walkway and you have no choice but to startle her.
    Bugs: Not sure if it's just me and my game, but ocasionally I got a bit of a graphical glitch on ladders. I'd reach the top then I could see my model climb up once or twice before I snapped back to First Person and was in the vent. Another point about the vent is that bots wait around by the collapsed cieling and teleport to the other side.
     Also back to the electrified room. When startling the Witch sometimes she runs into the water and disappears.
    Finally: It's a great campaign. Needs some improvement (very little for ego boost) and I am eager to see it strive to become more challenging as completion drawns near. Keep up the good work!

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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