
Reviews by grasscid

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  • Pros:

    Fun (in the name of science)
    good ideas (in the name of science)
    addicting (in the name of science)


    Far too hard alone
    unsatisfying ending
    bots die (in the name of science)


    after trying for about an hour to pass this alone, i gave up and started a game from the dev console with godmode. I must say, the ending was unsatisfying for all that trouble. You definately had some good ideas going here, but the fact that the bots cant pick up weapons or heal themselves or look after themselves makes this far too difficult too attempt alone perhaps add some basic supplies to spawn at the beginning at least? I liked unlocking stuff but in the end, and the barriers where fun, but it was too hard not to focus on the rocket. I'm sure if I had some friends who werent addon challenged (they still cant igure it out xD) Id enjoy this alot more.

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