
Reviews by okdude

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  • Pros:

    nice quality design that is simple and functional.  
    it is interesting to explore and quite realistic.
    attractive qualities, snow, lodges, lighting.
    the map is fun to play, especially while riding the chairlifts.
    the bots will sometimes ride the lift, even the tank.


    There are glitch areas where you can get stuck on small hills near the parking lot. 
    The lift gets stuck, but if you stay near the middle of the chair you will be ok and it's fun enough that it doesn't matter that much. 
    would have preferred a radio over the scavenge style trigger.


     I was really impressed to see this kind of quality in an add-on map. The lift is a lot of fun, I can only imagine how much work it must have taken to make it usable. The bots will use it sometimes if they run into it, which is great entertainment. Very well done. 

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