
Play alot of expert maps, and also hard eight mutations on expert https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClzP_nYqp1rcB9AEWHu4kgw

Reviews by SpiritWarriorx

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  • Very creative and cleverly made

    Took some time but Finished on Expert with the Bots.
    I haven't seen a creative campaign like this for a long time.
    map 1: nothing to add, fight on a plane with crazy boomers, fun.
    map 2: You will need to be Rochelle here. alot of specials to deal with, but if fast you can grab all the cards in one go. and use rochelle for the finale one
    you can just die as it counts as a checkpoint. (btw the checkpoints idea are very clever and creative too.)
    map 3: fun little jumping section, the real danger is when two tanks spawn.
    but if you time it right you can deal with 1 tank with the other tanks rock.(or just fight with bots)
    I thought it took some time but it was luckily on my first attempt.
    (I already played it once with a team mate)
    map 4: Fun boat section, the valve part was a bit of pain, but you can use the bots for cover.
    and also stay at the back of the boat to break the tongue if lucky. sometimes it does't work.
    but make sure you keep holding the wheel when you hear one, can take several attempts.
    or use the melee to cut tongue, but its hard to do when your using the steering. 
    map 5: this took some time, because of many fast charger and instant deaths. also the end fight is no joke.
    map 6: alot of custom tank/witch models, luckily they do not have many hp and can be killed.Few traps here and there.
    Map 7: The big sis boss, just stay most left corner and try to avoid the rocks jumping. they instant bring you down
    on expert.
    Total time it took around 7/8 hours over 2 days and died alot of times especially from fast chargers.. 
    I uploaded a video too, its on my Yt (Left 4 Dead 2 - Glubtastic 4 EXPERT)
    and also really hope for more in the future. I had a blast playing.

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