Exhausted Dead Life 2 - Ride Gone BotNav - Improved/fix it (if they got stuck they will teleport to you) Converted from BSP Files to VPK Nav minor adjustments to (S.I) Prevented (S.I) to get stuck Added/Fixed some props Fix it so...
BotNav - Improved/fix (if they got stuck they will teleport to you) Converted from BSP Files to VPK Nav adjustments to Infected (C.I & S.I) Fix it some bug Single-Player and select the map Exhausted Dead Life or Commands: map c_la...
Custom Ancient City Project + Download Map Map Made with WorldPainter Size: 1560x1340 Ancient City how he was before to downfall. On the surface in center of the map is the main city,around him on each islands are others buildin...
End of results.
Great Campaign
This review was posted before the latest release.