
Reviews by redsilentscope

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  • Pros:

    Hearty and Lenghty campaign.
    Beautiful level design.
    Big levels and multiple routes.
    The lighting and color correction was wonderfully done.
    Very challenging.


    Crashed a couple times switching on maps.
    Slowdown in certain areas.
    The path is not always clear.
    Incompatibility with weapons mods.
    Sometimes the hordes that spontaneously attack from nowhere or from beind gets a little tedious.


    What a wonderful campaign! The music, the levels, every detail and event was just well crafted.I can see this level was a labor of love and all the extra textures and effect were noticed. Especially those sudden change in color temperature when you go from dimly lit interior to the nighttime exteriors. There wasnt a point in the campign where i got bored, it kept me on my toes, and every level, hallway, room was an adventure and a desperate attempt for survival. Although there are flaws i cant with good conscience give you anything lower than a 9,5 because what you have here friend is gold, and possibly the BEST CUSTOM CAMPAIGN made PEROID. With the continual changes and fixes, this will be  even better. You and Your team should be proud. P.S i loved yur ending credits! Bravo.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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