The Precursor

Reviews by The Precursor

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -Very nice concept
    -Decent visuals
    -Quite long
    -Nice looking city
    -Fun and relaxing playthrough
    -Mirrors Edge feel


    -2nd and 3rd levels were very room to room repetitive
    -Zombies were easily dispatched, spawned in groups far enough away to gun down
    -Finale felt quite boring
    -Bots died constantly on the ledges on the 1st map, had to restart 5 times
    Elevator seemed pretty weird, why did it take so long to move one floor? 


    Overall, it was quite a simplistic and relaxing experience. The 1st map seemed pretty incompatible with the bots on the ledges which made me almost want to stop playing, but after that it became more fun. Most of the zombies can be killed from afar before they even reach you, and tanks seemed to have little to no luck too. Also, i'm not sure if I missed something, but the finale event was very easy. Nice looking map though, with a fresh concept.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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