
Reviews by Snakeeyz99

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  • Pros:

    - Flawless versions of the Disney's Haunted Mansion, the Mines of Moria, and Evil Dead that immediately stole my heart.
    - Clever little easter eggs that added an appropriate sense of humor. IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL!
    - Traps are always a plus. Especially when a which spawned on top of one in my first playthrough.
    -Awesome custom graphics.


    - The AIs cannot climb the ladders in the first map, which caused a Hunter to easily kill me in single player when I reached the top and they could not shoot it.
    - The book did not respond according to the progress bar, but if you ignore it and keep holding the button it doesn't matter.


    I didn't register on the site to download this file, but I did just to give this campaign a review. It has to be, despite some minor flaws, the best campaigns I have ever played.

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