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Reviews by Crash3MSTR

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -Very Beautiful
    -Love the atmosphere
    -Everything design-wise is fantastic


    -Very buggy nav
    -Some ladders seem broken
    -Needs Clips in locations to keep players out/off example: the railing on the patio
    -I had some checkerbox textures
    -Very cramped, feels small
    -Not enough weapon assortment/locations


    It's very pretty, everyone has agreed to that, but you can't have a solid map on looks alone.  As it is, it is an alright map, playable and beautiful.  There are many things that could be done though to not break the experience for the player!  For example, adding clips in better locations to keep players off of objects that zombies cannot get to, or keeping the player out of locations they shouldn't be in.  
    I kept noticing the zombies getting caught up and the bots running off into la-la-land, so I opened up nav_edit to take a look.  There are many nav errors that could be easily fixed with some catering.  I read your changelog, and it seems that you are aware of at least some of these problems and will try to fix it for future updates.
    I have to apologize for the score, and I don't think I'm the only one who feels the need to, because I was really looking forward to this one.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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