
Reviews by Grimm01

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  • Pros:

    -Jill f'n Valentine
    -The model looks great
    -Responds well to light sources and shadows
    -Works with custom blood/gore textures
    -Works in customs campaigns
    -Works with custom guns/melee weapons
    -No odd graphical artifacts that I've noticed
    -No strange animation behaviour that I've seen
    -Doesn't lag or sink FPS on max graphical settings


    -No facial animations (-10 pts)
    -Lifeless, non-blinking eyes (-10pts)
    -Cons 1 and 2 make Jill look like a life-sized action figure rather than an actual character when compared to the other survivors...I find this to be a bummer considering the quality of the skin in question


    The mod looks good, runs good, and caused no problems while I played through using it. However, the lack of face and eye animations really take away from what is otherwise a fantastic piece of work. In it's current functionality; I won't be keeping this mod in my add-ons list despite how good it looks. Hopefully the author(s) will finish this great skin by activating her ability to actually emote as the factory survivors (and most custom skins) do.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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