
Received 5 Awards. See Awards

Much ado about zombies.. not much about me.

  • 5

Reviews by Solo842

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    Improved on the old S&W 5906's you released earlier.
    Better Detail on the pistols from the Grip to the Slide, they also seem to be a bit wider.
    Better Animations for  Reload/Draw/Shoot/Walk/ EVERYTHING! feels more organic and less autonomic, especially the dual wield. 
    Kept the same Flashlight from the first mod. 


    I would have liked the pistols to be a bit farther away. My FOV is set to 67 and the look a tad big compared to the original 5906's, The texture on the pistols needs a bit more personalty. need to match the awesome animations and show off the detail of the model. 


    I always liked these pistols, and now with new animations and a new high detail model, they only improve on the original. The biggest improvement to note is the animations. i can see the growth of arby26 as an animator comparing his first 5906's to these new ones. Walk, Draw, Melee, Reload, Dual wield, and even the Last Shot Animation. all have more movement and fluidity. as i said It Feels more organic and less autonomic. I hope that Miztaegg will remake his Dual tone 5906's with this new version. and i hope arby26 continues improving. 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

Published Items

  • Mod
    HID: Flashlight Sprite

    Replaces the default Flashlight Sprite to something a bit brighter. Now there is no reason to be afraid of the dark! UPDATED 3/29/2012, Version 5.0 Final. see change log for details.

  • Mod
    Valve Desert Eagle Retexture

    Millenia of CSS modding fame, reskinned the Valve Deagle model. Couple this with arby26's Deagle animations for more awesome! I did not make this, Credit goes to Millenia.


End of results.