
Scott & Alan (BLKVPR188 & Kingdomheartssssssss) present the "How To Fail" Series: a playthrough of L4D maps! Editing is similar to other well-known L4D LPers, fails are betrayals are common, and the epicness is through the roof!

Reviews by HowToFailSeries

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -Awesome zombie spawns
    -Zombie spawn traps on doors
    -The hallway chase 
    -Several "WTF just happened???" moments
    -The moving car


    -Zombie spawns are broken as hell. In some cases, they can warp right on top of you
    -Intro is a little choppy/rough
    -Tank can step into the helicopter (this personally screwed us over in our video review)
    -Massive zombie spawns can be hard, especially on higher difficulties
    -(more situational than anything) Zombie spawns in general can sometimes be buggy. A specific example is the 1st map, where the director can spawn massive hordes of zombies, or none at all (though this is rare)


    If you're looking for a map for zombie kill achievements, this is the one for you. If you're looking for adventure, excitement, and all-around fun, this is the one for you. If you're looking for an easy map with few zombies and working spawns, you're out of luck: this map is the definition of broken spawns. 
    Regardless, it's still very fun, despite the spawns being broken. Playing on Expert will get you killed easily. Normal/Advanced is the way to go. Overall score of 75.
    Video review can be viewed on Youtube, titled "Left 4 Dead Episode 10 - How To Fail At: Strandead". 

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