
What were you expecting? A greeting card?

Reviews by DeathsVita

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    +Interesting puzzles
    +Custom Bosses
    +Unique and original
    +Not too difficult but not too easy
    +You were able to make a great map in such a small space
    +Animations and finale are entertaining
    +Well laid out supply of weapons and health items
    +Tanks are planned out well
    +AIs aren't incredibly stupid
    +Able to play on singleplayer
    +Start with only pistols and no pills or adrenaline
    +Multiplayer fun 


    -Can be difficult to figure out puzzles if your not experienced -3
    -If you die, you start from the beginning. (That's why you just don't die) -2
    -There is one hold out place during finale which makes you practically invulnerable -4


    Overall its a very interesting and entertaining map. Very nice concept and even though I haven't played the next in the series, I know its gonna be great. Few Cons, the pros are significantly greater although one Con can make the game rather easy. Puzzles are entertaining and rather funny at times. Players can come back and re-play it whenever they want and still have fun and you can always do it solo, not always with others. Very nice job and I'm excited to try the next map in the series.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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