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Reviews by DarkSlayer999

All Reviews
  • Quite Amazed

    I'll try to say what I can without spoiling anything!
    -Some elements like signs, names, etc. continue here from Downtown Dine.
    -Some levels were truly outstanding in terms of sending chills down my spine.  I knew it was just L4D2 and yet I still felt uneasy in certain parts.
    -The environment was very interesting and I just had to look at everything.
    -The campaign didn't feel too hard and was well paced.  
    -I appreciated the AI Director stopping when I really wanted to just stop and look inside the house.  I didn't want to worry about zombies at that moment.
    -Custom music really made this campaign that much better.
    -A bit short, I really wanted more.
    -Ending a bit anti-climactic, but I suppose that's why the campaign's called "Dead End".
    -Last level was seriously lagging my computer.  Frame rate was probably in the 20s, and some sounds were cut out, but the game was still playable.
    I can see the amount of work that went into this campaign because I was just blown away playing it.  Nothing felt out of place, which is good.  I think the strongest point to make about this campaign is just how it made me uneasy and reluctant to move on at times.  I would really recommend playing this!

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