
Reviews by Powingthisup

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  • Pros:

    Nice boxes
    Nice Tikimon boss
    Nice recreations
    Crash Bandicoot music! :D
    Made me sometimes feel nostalgic
    Some levels were fun
    Loved the last level
    Loved the first level


    Hordes spawn too much, expecially on the third level's boss fight, couldn't even move on it
    Bosses have way too much health
    The safe room spawns didnt have any health kits whatsover
    Way too much hordes
    Can't I just have normal platforming instead of surviving


    Some things were nice, and nostalgic. Even thought I wanted to like it, it made me disappointed, as it was sometimes rage inducing because of the overspawning hordes, even if I were on easy. And in some cases I got stuck in the floor at the third level's boss fight. I did like the first and last level, but some levels didnt have anything to help you at start, like weapons, ammo, or health kits. I do like that someone made a campaign out of the childhood series I grew with... Yet it's sometimes rage- inducing...

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