
Reviews by donasby

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  • Pros:

    -Adds a bit more character to the survivors, IMO
    -At points it makes it funnier than some of the dialogue(sp?) that was put in game
    -More Ellis sotries, dunno why some people dislike them...
    -The bots will finally thank/say welcome when you help them or the other way around.


    -Didn't really find any problems to be honest.


     I LOVE this mod! While I was playing the game, the alck of different lines after a while just kinda makes the game a little boring. And thank you for fixing up some of the files Valve never fixed, they tend to get a little sloppy with some of the files, yes. Even though Ellis tells stories more, it's still nice to be able to hear them since half the time they're actually pretty interesting. All together it's a lovely mod that I'll be recommending to some of my friends.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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