
Reviews by Kiujazi

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -Great atmosphere
    -Very professionally done
    -Extremely close to the source material
    -Has a decent length even if you have Silent Hill memorized


    The only real problem I have is that (well with me anyway) when I go to take a break and start over from the middle of the campaign (for example I start off at the sewers) then it's hard as all get out. Scarce weapon and health placement is rather annoying especially with the sheer amount of tanks. 
    Bots also have a tendency to teleport at random times and the game is way too dark. Even with my brightness turned up all the way I can't see jack. I understand that you're trying to recreate the game's atmosphere but even it had better lighting. 


    As a fan of Silent Hill, I believe this is a great way for people who haven't played Silent Hill to get a taste of what the game's atmosphere is like. I'm really impressed with how it turned out other than the placement of items and I wish I didn't have to continue from the beginning just to survive. Great job nonetheless. 

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