
Reviews by Vichen

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  • Pros:

    - AWESOME Layout
    - Great Detail in House
    - Outdoor Area looks great
    - Awesome placement of weapons and supplies for survival
    - Has scavenge mode (so know what I'm doing later today)


    - Roof a tad too steep
    - Bot can get perpetually stuck in pool, will keep climbing ladder and then go back in to pool


    The map has a great layout for survival and is and will be a ton of fun, will have to start poking people later to actually play it with people.  I can only imagine how good it will be in scavenge.  The details taken for the house and the outside is great, everything just fits together smoothly and seamlessly.  The weapon placement for survival is just awesome, and it is also interesting to see where things are and what you will find.  The thunder and lightning that is going on for the map, is GREAT.
    I would HIGHLY recommend downloading and playing this great map.  This is a map that will forever stay on my server and not get rotated out.
    Excellent work for a first time map.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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