
Reviews by mrexult

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    + Well & Detailed designs
    + [2nd Chap] Particularly liked the dark areas of the warehouse
    + Design of the pool areas were fantastic
    + Realistic environment and designs
    + Some areas are great for 'Versus' game play,especially
        the warehouse part @ Chap 2


    + Pool was empty,no water lol
    + Extremely long way to the outpost
    + Vast areas making the campaign a lot easier to complete
    + Improve on the large areas, can be easily completed even on 'Expert' mode
    + Too few zombies
    + Spawning rate of SI takes a very long time
    + Minor bugs with AI


    + Overall it was a job well done to me for a first timer creating a campaign map. Can be further improved and worked on like making the areas smaller, etc.
    + Improve on the navigation too, first timers may not know how to find their way especially @ Chap 2.
    + Arrows for navigation are too unnecessary @ some part of the areas.
    + Give a hint to how to activate the lift @ Chap 3. Many first timers may just be stucked there not knowing what to do.
    + Outpost layout could be improved a lot better but the military defense wall was a fantastic idea.
    + Melee weapons could be more.
    + In conclusion, it was fantastic, had a fun time playing it but can be improved much better!! Looking forward to a better version! Cheers! :)))))

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