
Reviews by omairee

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  • Pros:

    -Well built environment
    -Nice use of teleportation to create a much larger environment
    -Tier 1 weapons is perfect, makes for much greater suspense
    -Realism mode a MUST to fully enjoy what this is
    -Perfect amount of "help"


    -Running through edge of map forces hordes to vanish (more of a pro when playing headshots only, but not sure if you meant for this to happen?)
    -Limited amount of guns creates issues when dying and losing them (again, not really a con but thought I'd mention it)
    -Jockeys seem to run into trees and then get stuck, at least long enough to shoot them.


    Fantastic map, enjoyed playing it thoroughly. Was even more impressed before realizing that it looped. Set as default map on server, so if anyone joins, they'll get to experience this. Any other maps in the works? Will definitely your other maps a try in the very near future.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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