Gideon the Judge

Reviews by Gideon the Judge

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -Unique experience.
    -Boss fight is exciting and challenging. (It's also survivable if you know how to actually kill it)
    -Significantly scary/creepy (random jump scares and such add to this)
    -Very detailed.


    -Needs to be longer/more than one map. Dying leads you to having find all glyphs again, which can take a long time.
    -Bots can be a bother sometimes.
    -Boss fight needs a little hint, upon my first try the lasers killed me off because I didn't know you were supposed to shoot the large spikes to stop them.


    Overall a very fun and challenging map. Though there are some minor issues, the campaign offers a fun and unique experience, with an exciting boss fight at the end.

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