
Reviews by nilesnolan

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  • Pros:

    Mall local was a nice change
    Different finale
    Used real voice over for radio and not some rip-off


    Not enough wep selection (not everyone likes the shotgun)
    The first level is confusing I got lost easy
    the second level you open the doors and alarm sounds but no way to turn it off resulting in infinite hordes.
    Very long walk to boat


    It was a fun campaign just have some things to tweak. Like the fact that when you open the door and sound the alarm in the mall you get no indicator that there is a way to turn it off. Resulting in A butt load of hordes to contend with. Also when you are running from the mall to the boat there is like 5 ammo piles do you really need that many fora long run to the boat. I mean I fought nothing going to the boat after the mall and found them to be pointless one other thing was that there were very few weapons and nade varieties in the levels and I never found pillz at all except at the finally
    Needs some editing ,More weps,More nades, more health, and a way to turn that darn alarm off in the second level otherwise I really enjoyed the campaign can;t see what you come up with next.

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