
Reviews by mi1303

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  • Pros:

    We cant be lost,; its a good thing :)
    Introduction, relatively interesting.
    The "electric" thing, original.


    The last event is too much long
    Too many bomb (?)
    A lack of ammo
    A lack of choice of weapon, ok, you can choose at the shop, but there is nothing next !
    A little boring, not a lot of zombie.
    Not very original place, a city...again, not very special.


    Its not a bad campaign, but It can be better, and the last safe room is on an interseting place( maybe you can change the place with a potential third map) But its too much...boarf. Its not really THAT funny, i hoped it was more orginial than a city, but its not bad, continue, I hope there will be another map(s).

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