
Reviews by henk717

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    - Nice map design
    - Long
    - Knife (not sure if it was the map though)
    - Barrel hunt minigame
    - Bots had no problems navigating threw the map
    - Had some hard places but not to hard
    - No error models or missing textures


    - Few bugs
    - Some open area's had very few infected.
    - Barrel hunt barels often did damage to me.


    We had 2 ai director errors and sometimes all players where in the savehouse but the map did not end.
    But overall the map had a good gameplay and the barrels made it even more fun even though they damaged me almost all the time.
    The map design was good and it was a fun long campain to play.
    It starts pritty easy with only 10 infected in a open area (bit to easy) but became harder on the way threw.
    I can recommand peaple to play this great map.

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