
Cuz I'm just a girl....

Reviews by Suzi-Q

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -great theme
    -good attention to detail
    -plenty of throwables
    -lots of action


    -crashed in map 4
    -got lost some


    First off, well done campaign with the detail and the creativity.  The biggest issue I found was the gameplay was very buggy..FPS fluctuates badly and 2 of us crashed in Map #4.  I only give this rating due to the technical issues with the campaign. Also, one of our team members spawned outside of safe room. 
     As good as this campaign is, I'm sure the author can do some tuning up...but I loved this campaign, great storyline.  I would rate it around 9.0 if it wasn't for the issues we had. When I first saw the file size, I thought WOW, but I understand why with the detail...excellent. Thank you to the author for your time and effort, as I know it takes many hours to create such a campaign. 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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