
Reviews by EaoDen94

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  • Pros:

    This map is simply phenomenal, I absolutely loved it.
    Lots of custom content, music, models, etc.
    Exploration encouraged
    Beautiful world and unique settings
    Pro-voice acting 


    If you're not really good at L4D2, I can see you losing alot in this campaign, as it isn't easy nor short. 
    Levels can be a bit dragging played on expert/hard eight.


    I haven't tried the newest update of this campaign, yet.. But I've played the release and this map is truly a masterpiece. It's one of the few maps I've played over and over, and apart from the long levels, it's fairly easy. The world's crafted to a fine design; I thoroughly enjoyed the story-driven aspect of the maps/campaign. 
    The does challenge you to a certain level of expertise though, as levels are long and expansive, ammo is 'sort-a'-ish scarce. There are a couple of difficult but not impossible horde events and tank encounters that might come across as stunningly hard, but I absolutely loved the challenge. 
    I never found a point where I couldn't pass apart from getting lost a few times here and there. The finale was a tad too easy I thought. 
    Overall, this is a brilliant creation of a campaign.

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