

Reviews by Sister

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  • Pros:

    It fit's with the atmosphere of Left for Dead, whilst adding a gritty, depressing feel towards it (which is great!).
    The hair has been blended into the model with amazing care, it is beautiful.
    It finally makes Ellis' seem like more of a serious character, whereas before, his clothing and personality gave off a very childish vibe (One of the things I love about Ellis, but in all seriousness, he would have died by now)
    I adore the sweatpants, wouldn't want them any other way.


    The backpack, It has been added greatly, and the hue of it fits with the rest of the outfit, but it kinda ruins the feeling of the outfit, the rest of his clothes are easy fit and baggy, whereas the backpack is too tight. That isn't your fault though, at all.


    My favorite Ellis mod that has ever been made. I really love the clothes.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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