Reviews by Jack_REDUX

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  • Pros:

    -Is that vocaloid...screaming? It seems so and it blew me away...
    -HIP HOP
    -THE FREAKING METAL MUSIC!!! Yeah, the music in this mod is very diverse.
    -The mod isn't at all distracting; it can still keep you focused on competitive online gameplay with other people. But it's probably because I got so damn used to it.


    -I didn't really like the finale tank. It started out like a riff with a style from Slayer or Metallica, which was awesome, but ended with pretty bad vocals, which sort of killed the feeling of killing the tank. The intro of the song makes it up though. (-0)


    I love anime. I love lots of music. Therefore, it's a pretty damn impressive mod for me. It definitely exceeded my expectations for an anime music mod. Can't forget the awesome HEAVY METAL MUSIC!!!!

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