
Reviews by FiliRoger

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  • Pros:

    Great maps with the original visuals of Crash Bandicoot, and great variety of challenges, including boss fights.
    Great use of boxes and the Bioshock Vendors were surprising at first, but it fits the Campaign nicely for its crazy and humorous environment.
    Lots of supplies, lots of hordes and forgiving dificulty.


    Sometimes in the beginning of one of the chapters, the screen gets all black, and you can't see anything and you can't move to get the supplies. 
    In the Final Chapter, sometimes if attempted a second time after loss, 1 character won't respawn in the safe house permanently.


    It's a really great map that fitted nicely with L4D, and it's not all about shooting everything. Some challenges and secrets, keep the campaign more varied. The Finale was bit frustrating, because of one glitch and had to do it with only 3 charaters from start to finish, and it was hard to fight endless hordes and Tank.

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