
Reviews by SgtFunShinebear

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  • Pros:

    -very fun map
    -very colorful
    -no room is left empty, feels like a real town... a really bright and colorful town
    -love the missle launcher idea


    -some glitches ive found listed below
    -missing textures on ammo boxs, pistols, and many other weapons, and once on my character, but then it went away.
    -vending machines did nothing for me
    -one area where you take stairs up to the roof of the building, and jump off of the map and instantly die
    -waves feel short (not sure if thats the map makers fault)
    -most people dont like this (i actually like it) but there are no places to stake out.


    overall, if you can look past the bugs, they dont affect the gameplay if you ignore them. its a very fun map and very creative. definatly something to play with your freinds. great job.

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