
Reviews by brengunner

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  • Pros:

    Huge amount of detail nothing is left out.
    Loads of different places to fight the horde
    Looks really spooky
    Loads of rooms to explore
    Guns and other equipment are scattered evenly around the map for intresting gameplay
    More than one way to alert the horde


    Some gas cans and propane tanks would of added a nice touch, especially in the kitchen where i would of exspected at least one propain tank.


    Best survival map I have played to this date. Me and my friend spent about an hour and a half just exploring it and another hour or so playing it. I loved how there was three ways you could alert the hordes by the radio , bowling a strike and the ball game. This is a definate download. Even if you don't like survival download it just to explore it. Amazing.

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