Bourbon Kid

Reviews by Bourbon Kid

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -a decent copy of silent hill
    -requires planning and careful play
    -some custom props
    -lots of maps


    -lots of bugs
    -some parts are disorientating due to heavy dark
    -missing textures
    -missing final touch or the final polish
    -bots are stuck or spawned incorrectly
    -story is just to make gameplay longer


    It's obvious that a lot of work was put in this campaing, but I can't help the feeling that it's largely unfinished. For example: you can see where the world ends if you jump on the carbage can and look over the fence. On some parts the invisible wall stops you and that is never a good thing. It has lots of bugs as said before, and several times we had to restart the server in order for map to be playable. Otherwise it was kinda fun to play, but the loads of bugs and poor balance in maps made the score much lower. The campaing also alludes that there should be a story behind gameplay, but it's really not necessary because it's just "pick up that thing and then go to the next thing". Me and my two other buds finished the campaing on expert in about 7 hours, but that depends on your skill. So you may be amused with this campaing but only if you can forgive it's poor performance.

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