
All I do here is reviewing and downloading stuff, someday maybe I'll make something on my own but it's not this time. Currently, I would like to make a series of video reviews/playthroughs of custom campaigns.

Reviews by Erdamon

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    - Interesting ideas
    - Gives some fresh ideas
    - Finale happening IN SPACE
    - SPACE
    - Map design is nice...


    -...but quality of textures is just a joke
    - The puzzle in third map was too hard


    Simply: You must play it! It's really fun to play this campaign, but seriously, those textures were really, really terrible! They need some serious adjustment, but aside from that, it's really great to see that L4D2 campaigns are taking onto new level, we need more campaigns taking place in space! 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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