
Reviews by l33tspaniard

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -Great song selection
    -Well implemented for the most part


    -A few small bugs mostly concerning the Tank music
    -End of level music always gets cut off by like .1 seconds. It is maddening.


    Great mod all around. Knowing all the soundtracks by heart, these were absolutely perfect selections and I couldn't have done it better myself (the only one I would have changed is probably the credits theme, yes it's a great song, but it doesn't quite match tonally). 
    One issue I had that hopefully can be fixed is that the tank music tends to inexplicably break in multiplayer games? When I play alone, the finale tank music works perfectly. As soon as someone else joins in, it starts with the correct music and then immediately switches to Kill Leonard (the regular, non-finale tank music from the mod). It does this at the concert as well, which is unfortunate because I assumed the concert tank music would still win out there.
    (note that this review is for the silent hill music pack, not the "cryoffear.vpk" that seems to be there now...)

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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