
Reviews by Gurk-o-vich

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    - very nice plot [+0.5]
    - challenging [+1.5]
    - you really need to invest time [+2.0]
    - well constructed maps [+2.0]
    - underground maze (the idea) [+1.0]


    - it's night again ;) [-0.2]
    - unfair/unbalanced at some point [-0.5]
    - common infected spamming [-1.5]
    - finale tank spawn [-0.5]
    - underground maze (the implementation) [-0.3]


    This campaign really spoke to me. One reason was the duration, I really like long campaigns. In addition it was well constructed and logical! Until the underground maze it was a balanced campaign although some very tough parts, but I love a challenge! The maze itself was a good idea but implemented wrong: Too many undead spawning right around the corner, scarce ammunition and medicine and it was a bit too long in duration! The finale was both nice and frustrating. Fighting your way through the little village you'll encounter COUNTLESS hordes which don't seem to be stopping to spawn - and then there are those tanks suddenly appearing behind the fences. Not logical, no fun! Fun was the town itself, it looked real and abandoned! I also liked the task you had to solve there! Overall the campaign was a solid 7/10. Thank you for the fun we had :)

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