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  • Pros:

    Wonderful level design/locations
    Tricky navigations and mazes make it more fun, not annoying
    Solid layout with no glitches
    Amazing atmosphere
    Fog was very cool


    Too many Special Infected spawns
    A few weird panic events
    Lack of dialog/npc interaction. 
    Midnight Riders?  Ew.


    The fog was so atmospheric, I kept thinking of how cool it was, and how much it reminded me of a good film.  The only downside was the ridiculous amount of jockeys and smokers that kept spawning.  I get annoyed when people complain about navigation troubles.  To me, if you get lost, it makes it more fun and challenging.
    I also would have liked to have had more interaction with the AI's or connection.  The finale didn't make much sense to me, and I hate the midnight riders.
    Weird panic events such as the old door were silly.  I do enjoy the startling of the crows, however.
    Overall, this campaign is very solid, and is well made.  It lacks a few things that keep it from being really standout, but it's still a great ride.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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