
Reviews by Benwa

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  • Pros:

    -Runs flawlessly on my computer. 0 lag whatsoever...
    -Custom art assets
    -Not racist a little of everything for every holiday.
    -Did I mention no lag at all?
    -Spooky lighting
    -Most appliances are nice and tidy not thrown all over the place like a drunk just visited.
    -Lots of places to defend from
    -Enough guns to please me. Who cares if I have to walk 3 feet to get more ammo. I ain't a girl I got feet
    Oh yea one more thing. No lag.


    -Keyboards are thrown asunder.
    -I dislike scavenger
    -Wishes there was lag.
    -No swords..........
    -Pretty easy to commit suicide. Luckily I have a brain and don't do kick flips on railings.
    -There is a spot in the map that you can exploit that I found where it is impossible for the zombies to get you.
    -Invisible wall where I can open a door. What. A. Tease.
    -Where is Quanza?


    The AI gets stuck yea sure, but they are AI. These are the same AI who on countless occasions stare at me while I'm being jocked or smoked and do nothing at all ever in the history of the world. These AI may be bottom of the barrel. No wait....They are bottom of the barrel. If an AI doesn't know that he is running into an object that won't move, he is pretty much a down syndrome kid. All in all this map is pretty well made.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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