
Reviews by guybrushtrip

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  • Pros:

    - Very original
    - smooth gameplay
    - frozen zombies
    - Santa looks awesome
    - rotating turntable and custom music
    - Survivors' pic frames


    - not enough defib since it's easy to fall and die
    - seems to be a bug on the mid-ladder. When i jump from it to go faster, it brings me back at the top of it.
    - Staying on the sledge looks a bit easy to reach gold.
    - When Santa goes out from the frozen lake, he does... nothing....


    That was some fun !!
    Many great ideas given to details and gameplay.
    I was expecting Santa either to be helpful or to rescue the survivors. That might be an improvement you could work on.
    Thanks a lot for this unique survival map.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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