
Reviews by misterym27

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  • Pros:

    -made me play L4D2 from a 2 month non playing spree
    -It is epic , i deleted all my M16 replacements and left only this
    -looks great with BLR survivors
    -prefect new reload animation and firing sound


    -finger not correctly placed on the trigger
    -flashlight is upside down, noticable on custom flashlights,my chuck norris flashlight does NOT approve


    Great gun, no bugs exept finger and flashlight (IF you use default than you wont even notice it) and those are minor bugs , no big bugs like clipping, hand trough gun *ermgraneadelauncherm4a1moderm* and even missing laser *ermblackops2remingtonerm*. if you like futuristic guns , stop searching , this is your thing

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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