
Reviews by Joemonster

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  • Pros:

    -Great Fun with friends
    -Nice thing with Santa Sledge
    -It actually makes you feel small
    -Santa list of wishes is also nice addition.
    -Gramophone is cool
    -Santa in the Lake, and zombies in ice blocks. 
    -Voice at beginning is nice addition


    -Bots cannot find themself in the map
    -Santa sledge is kinda way too good hiding spot
    -What's up with those skulls in presents after launching timer ?


    With what I can start... 
     This is one of the most entertaining map ever played . It fun to play it even without the timer running .. just to jump around with low gravity etc.
    There are lot of little additions that make the map better from other survival maps, and the effect of being small is perfect.
    It's a bit too easy in sledge... But you can always hide somewhere else ; )
    This map doesn't have a lot of major bugs (maybe execpt nav of bots - but thats problem of many maps of "fun&wierd" type.
    I give it 98 points because of the minor bugs and santa sledge....
    After all it's one of the best survival maps I've ever played ; )

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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