
Reviews by ericskmn

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  • Pros:

    - sawed off killing sticks! 
    - looks very well done and beautifully textured
    - fits in well with the game


    - people will not like the invisible shell during reload/ejection, but it does not bother me at all personally. -0.
    - sound is a bit mussed, but its nothing one can't solve themselves via GCFScape, just remove the sound folder and recompile the vpk. Still, for DIY maintenance, I'll have to knock off a point. -1


    This mod is totally badass. Makes the default shottie a joy to have instead of itchin' for a new weapon ASAP. This game has hardly any sawed off mods, making it a breath of fresh air. Even if this mod remains in the shape it is, like I said, its nothing one can't fix themselves in all of 2 minutes. Thank you, for making a sawed off a possibility in this game. :) 

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