
I play L4D2 and I love great mods. Play mostly campaigns.

Reviews by Archana

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    - Nicely built arena!
    - the "bright light" effect when you get out of the darkness is nicely made.
    - Fun!
    - Love the scattered goodies
    - Nice with different endings 
    - Fun that finding Mustachio and getting out is timed.
    (finding Mustachio and escape color has to be LEARNED and only confusing the first times. No worries!!)


    - Too much white
    - Huge difference between Easy and Normal
    - No more usables in Expert than on Easy mode
    -Sometimes Mustachio spawns at the same place for several plays also during a play.


    Version played: 1.1
    All in all it's a really fun map (please create different arenas :D) BUT...
    Our team started off with Easy, and we are all experienced players with hours ranged from 400-2200 hours playtime in L4D2.
    Easy was fun and very very easy but we find the difference between Easy and Normal is too huge.
    The tanks spawn way too fast in comparison to what they did in Easy, and then the gap between Normal and Advanced (and later Expert) becomes much much smaller.
    Should be sorted out, probably not spawn tanks so fast in Normal as in the later difficulties. 
    Boat ending seems a bit unfinished but does not take the fun out of the gameplay. 
    Too much white. We do understand that adding all the whites is an effect to trick the player.  However there are players that do not react well to this and they cannot play this map for a very long time which is sad.
    I would highly suggest to the creator to try to splash in more colors or at least even out some of the white with different shades of white or grey.
    There should be more throwables and usables scattered around in the later difficulties. At least I did not find more of this stuff when playing Expert vs when I played Easy.
    Lastly, I wish for two things: a timer you can turn on/off as you please if you want to see how long you have played for.
    And I wish for the opportunity to choose how many times you have to find Mustachio before you can go to an ending. 
    Besides these details, the map is super fun! I loved exploring it and I still find small routes I haven't tried yet!
    Sometimes you jump out of your own skin when a tank spawns in the walls.. Where you are hiding!
    Should be played by a team that works well together as teamwork is everything!
    I rate it 3 out of 5 stars, mostly because of the uneven difference in difficulties and too much white.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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