Reviews for Blood Hospital

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    • trojan_exe

      Posted this review


      Сумасшедший дом

      Во всех смыслах ужасная кампания.
      + боты тупят не сильнее обычного.
      - нет постера (что уже явно намекает на качество кампании);
      - нет вступления;
      - в начале только УЗИ, дробовика нет;
      - ужасные по качеству текстуры и вообще компоновка помещений;
      - зомбаки спаунятся прямо на глазах у выживших;
      - в начале второй главы пустое убежище, ни стволов, ни аптек, ни патронов;
      - бесконечные волны, вперемешку с танками;
      - исследовать местность банально не интересно, ввиду бесконечных волн и убогих текстур.
      Без преувеличения, самая ужасная кампания на данный момент. Так и не смог пройти ввиду бесконечных волн, а переигрывать не было ни малейшего желания, банально не интересно.
    • Jocax

      Posted this review


      This feels like a WIP

      Some effort was put into this campaign, but it feels incomplete, life an alpha/beta work.
      Looks like someone was messing around in Garry's Mod placing fences, tables and other items to create a clearly forced path through a building with sensless design and mostly empty rooms. There's also doors that clip through walls when opened, gaps that shouldn't exist on corners and a mostly carleless/senseless item placement.
      This campaign pales in comparison with other user-created campaigns that look almost official. If this were a map for a game like Codename CURE, it would be OK, but not for L4D.
      Would not play again.
    • SerenityRose

      Posted this review


      more then a Challenge.

      this is fun to play if you like a challenge but there are some point where it feels like you can't stand still for even a second and most of the time it feels like the map doesn't work for that.
      the finale was ok but the bots have a hard time running behind you unless they teleport to you.
      I give this a 3 out of 5 this map is fun but there are sometimes where it feels unfair.
      Recommended Difficulty: Easy/Normal.
    • Tsuzuko

      Posted this review



      Great details in the environment
      Nice concept
      Trickier to figure out than most campaigns
      Decent dispersal of weapons and ammo
      AI was usually pretty helpful
      Cool fire extinguisher scene
      Realistic darkness


      Bill died in map 1 for seemingly no reason? 
      Default spray pattern as poster
      Despite being realistic, the complete darkness is a bit annoying.
      Easy to get lost with no direction. 
      No ammo, weaps etc. in safe houses.
      2nd map had this weird thing where the door had breakable boxes in front of it, but unbreakable boxes behind it. A boomer was hiding behind it and there was no way to kill him until he alerted to horde. You can just barely squeeze through the boxes afterward.
      All of my AI died in the end because they wouldn't follow me outside.
      No message on radio.
      No direction on what to do after the door opens. I thought it was supposed to be like a safe house room until I saw the boxes and gap by the fence. I also couldn't figure out what to do once I got outside until I just decided to run.
      No actual finale since the "rescue" is just you running away. I don't really see how it's a rescue anyway seeing as how there are still zombies on exit road. 
      Who were you talking to on that radio? Some guy with remote access to that one door?


      Despite all of that, this is still a pretty solid and realistic map that isn't TOO complicated. There are some sections where you can easily get lost, some stuff that doesn't make sense and sometimes the AI are a little derp, but it's a solid map nonetheless. 
    • narracott

      Posted this review



      Random things setting off the horde
      Well done
      All around an interesting campaign
      It's a more advanced campaign
      Finale is fun in its own way


      Not all the graphics may be well done, but the fact that this campaign is fun and challenging I won't dock points for that.


      I like this campaign, it's different, fun, and humorous at times. As for the finale, once the door opens just run. I suggest playing this campaign with at least 2 players. My friend and I still play this on advanced with two bots. It's a more challenging campaign. For those who actually like a challenge. I mean if it's that much of a pain turn on cheats and run through it.
    • AmpliDUDE

      Posted this review



      ---- In general ----
      + Interesting concepts on how to design a hospital.
      + Understanable story behind the campaign.
      + Lighting of map 2 was very good.
      + Darkness not overloaded, lighting added.
      + Long horde events til the finale.
      + Finale was designed nicely.
      + Fire-extinguishing unit was truely epic.


      ---- Map 1 ----
      - AI weren't following me all the time.
      - Buildings felt too empty for an hospital.
      ---- Map 2 ----
      - Glitchy feeling through and through.
      - Not equipped with enough medkits and pills.
      - Boxes were blocking some entrances.
      - Too many hordes despite the fact that the saferoom was still far away.
      ---- Finale ----
      - Ridiculous horde and Tank events.
      - Tanks were spawning everywhere.
      - AI was buggy: they rarely shot enemies.
      - Help was meant to arrive? There was no help.
      - While fighting all the hordes and Tanks to look for help, I found death.
      ---- In general ----
      - Bad AI navigation and responding.
      - Partly too blocky areas.
      - Poster was only shown as black and pink squares.


      I think it is kind of a pitty that the finale didn't work (for me) at all. We just kept fighting looking for our savious, but that in vain. No one was there to help us, so we died after fighting quite a long time. The finale had a nice setting, and I honestly though the finale is going to be epic. No. The AI was actually a problem during the whole campaign. The sometimes didn't follow, and they even spawned behind fences, in the finale. They were no help, as bad as they responded. 
    • left4halo

      Posted this review



      -well made
      -strong begining
      -it was fun to play in the dark part made really scary
      -i liked how it had proper dressed zombies that was cool


      -it was kinda glitchy
      -some of the zombies got stuck
      -and even though it was fun in the dark it was hard to tell where i had to go


      It is an awsome map download well spent i could've got a better one but he/she tried to do there best so i say congrats also i agree with 7H3 HUN73R you should update it and i say it would be cool with L4D2
    • 7H3 HUN73R

      Posted this review



      -nice, dark setting.
      -very interesting map layout.
      -nice traps.
      -well placed props and rooms.


      -a few spawn glitches that may trigger endless hordes.
      -broken pre-finale area.
      -very overwhelming crescendos in the holdout before.


      I loved this campaign. One of the best maps ive played. I actually really liked the lack of extra detail, it gave the place a very dark and empty feeling to me. I still play this map, and i have been since it came out. You should touch it up and remake it, maybe even for l4d2! 
    • Bromazepam

      Posted this review



      Very challenging


      Messy design
      Poorly cluttered: the same few objects over and over
      Extremely linear
      Events started by walking in specific spots rather than by activating an object
      Special infected can somehow activate the spots above
      All in all, not much fun to play


      I never like to pan a map like this, but it really shows that the author didn't put a lot of effort and creativity in making this one.

End of results.