
Reviews by Geusetelli

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  • Pros:

    - It's Silent Hill!!
    - Almost no noticeable bugs.
    - Fantastic Silent Hill atmosphere.
    - Fitting custom skins and models.
    - Custom music and sounds.
    - Huge maps. (this is a huge pro for me!)
    - You can easily lost your way. (This is Silent Hill we're talking about, so this is a pro)
    - It's fun to go solo with bots, and it's FANTASTIC to go through this campaign with friends.
    - Cryptic ending, like Silent Hill itself.


    - My game will always crash on map 3, near the center of the town, at the first intersection. (I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong, i'll keep you updated)
    - Hunter's custom skin is a wee bit too colorful for Silent Hill. (Not a con, more like a suggestion)


    Need i say more?
    This campaign is a must have for you Silent Hill fans out there!

    This review was posted before the latest release.

    • I'll take a look at the intersection you mentioned and see if it is from my end.

      This comment was posted before the latest release.

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