a very simple map for farming zombie and survivor kills also good for bow kills which are rare on original maps due to low activity and low crossbow spawn rate I guess one could also find some other good uses of this map
Browsing 'Indoor' Maps
- ch_zombfarmkills
End of results.
- Whiskey's Blue Ttac-Light v2.5N/A
Ver 2.5 requested by friends and users. A bit brighter with more spread.
By Vaughn Whiskey - Cat model replacement for the cockroachN/A
Cat model replacement for the cockroach Have you ever played with your friends, and you felt sad because they were filthy cockroaches when they surround you? No more, because this addon replaces the cockroach with a cat! Created by G...
By Maestro Fénix - 激情小电影 sexmovieN/A
巴洛克广场电影院的新电影. New film at the Baroque Square Cinema 未满18+禁止下载 No downloading under the age of 18 如果无效,请使用GCFScape工具解压该文件到游戏中的addons目录下 If it doesn't work, please use GCFScape tool to unzip...
- DiescraperN/A
Battle other survivors at the top floors of a skyscraper. A Hunted map featuring 8 floors (including the roof) to explore. Port of the finale map from a Left 4 Dead 2 campaign.
- Christmas UpdateN/A
Christmas update materials, props etc. Updated Maps: ce_roanokepd ch_auroraestates ch_cypruspark cx_auroraestates Note: These maps are older versions from late 2013.
By Monochrome LLC - The UziPro - KG9 Model ReplacementN/A
Model & Textures by: MirzaMiftahulFadillah Compiling and Rigging by: JonnyBoy0719
- First Aid Kit ReskinN/A
Re-skinned the fist aid kit, since getting randomly swiped at by corpses doesn't really hurt, the big worry is the infection, this skin indicates that it holds an experimental temporary vaccine. DISCLAIMER; I don't know if the first ai...
By Vixx - Zombie Panic! Source - Zombie Player ModelsN/A
Information: This game models of Zombie Panic! Source. 5 models of zombies: The Carrier (instead of zombie inmate) Eugene, Marcus, Jessica and Paul (instead of Tony). Credits: Textures & Models: Zombie Panic Team Ported by: RiDZeD.
By RiDZeD - Desert Eagle Black VersionN/A
Adds badass black Desert Eagle to game :) [Replaces 1911] Enjoy! :) Gun made by me programs I used to create this: Blender, Substance Painter, GIMP
By Rami - Desert Eagle Pink Camo VersionN/A
If regular desert eagle is not manly enough then this is for you! :) Have fun! [Replaces 1911]
By Rami - The Rotten MirrorN/A
What happens if you still receive consciousness even after being a zombie? Will you kill for brains? Will you still fight for mankind? Let's find it out in this addon! Features: - This addon will change the survivors to their undead cou...
- Desert Eagle Black&White VersionN/A
Adds badass Desert Eagle to game :) [Replaces 1911] Enjoy! :) Gun made by me programs I used to create this: Blender, Substance Painter, GIMP
By Rami