- Realistic Lifesystems First Aid KitN/A
Realistic Lifesystems First aid kit for Contagion.
By T/5. Elliot [22nd AB EU] - Retextured AmmoN/A
I got tired of the old ammo textures so I made 3 new ones. Replaces textures for pistol, magnum and buckshot ammo.
By - First Aid Kit ReskinN/A
Re-skinned the fist aid kit, since getting randomly swiped at by corpses doesn't really hurt, the big worry is the infection, this skin indicates that it holds an experimental temporary vaccine. DISCLAIMER; I don't know if the first ai...
By Vixx - The InoculatorN/A
The Health kit from early access. Its for those who want to use the old "First Aid" Inoculator for Contaigon.
Browsing 'Items' Mods
- Realistic Lifesystems First Aid KitN/A
Realistic Lifesystems First aid kit for Contagion.
By T/5. Elliot [22nd AB EU] - First Aid Kit ReskinN/A
Re-skinned the fist aid kit, since getting randomly swiped at by corpses doesn't really hurt, the big worry is the infection, this skin indicates that it holds an experimental temporary vaccine. DISCLAIMER; I don't know if the first ai...
By Vixx - The InoculatorN/A
The Health kit from early access. Its for those who want to use the old "First Aid" Inoculator for Contaigon.
- Retextured AmmoN/A
I got tired of the old ammo textures so I made 3 new ones. Replaces textures for pistol, magnum and buckshot ammo.
End of results.
- Ryan Realistic US ACU camoN/A
Now Ryan look like he is a real Afghanistan war veteran. What's new : - New t-shirt, vest with camo, no any name on back; - Pants changed, more detailed and with camo; - Gloves have camo, and hands color fixed. - Masking on the face
By T/5. Elliot [22nd AB EU] - Realistic Lifesystems First Aid KitN/A
Realistic Lifesystems First aid kit for Contagion.
By T/5. Elliot [22nd AB EU] - The UziPro - KG9 Model ReplacementN/A
Model & Textures by: MirzaMiftahulFadillah Compiling and Rigging by: JonnyBoy0719
- Lightsaber RedN/A
I have something different and very special for you! :D May the Force with you A red lightsaber replaces wooden baseballbat
By Rami - Abandoned StreetsBeta N/A
The Re-released and Updated version of the original map please everyone who originally downloaded the map can you re-download it. Update 1:new armory building, player spawn point changed to armory new zombie spawns,more blood overlays
By NEON-FX - Arlene Revolver skin with night sightsN/A
A deep blued finish with stainless trigger and hammer, pearl-polymer grips and two tone bar night sights. Luck is no replacement for skill, Harry.
Dalla la lingua Italiana è ufficialmente supportata, come da indicazione dello sviluppatore e da Steam. Il file di traduzione qui caricato porta delle correzioni minori della per le nuove stringhe inserite dallo sviluppat...
Designed to make the setting a little bit creepier.... An almost complete re-texture of Roanoke PD. Also, some fun stuff added in Barlowe and Biotec.
By Cry For Me - Cat model replacement for the cockroachN/A
Cat model replacement for the cockroach Have you ever played with your friends, and you felt sad because they were filthy cockroaches when they surround you? No more, because this addon replaces the cockroach with a cat! Created by G...
By Maestro Fénix - Christmas UpdateN/A
Christmas update materials, props etc. Updated Maps: ce_roanokepd ch_auroraestates ch_cypruspark cx_auroraestates Note: These maps are older versions from late 2013.
By Monochrome LLC - CH OutlyingN/A
**Attention!** don't work without CPC Outlying Game Mode: The Hunt Available weapons: Only crossbows and melee -=HAVE FUN=-
By dR.Vodker - Crowbar Replaces Metal BatN/A
The game already has two baseball bats, but a severe lack of crowbars. Download this mod to fix that problem! The crowbar used is just HL2's crowbar, retextured grey. I might change the HUD icon later, if I feel like it.
By CougarMagnum