Browsing 'Themes' Mods
- monsters inc
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- Func_vehicleBeta N/A
RAISING AWARENESS! I made this working "func_vehicle", to show Valve we need the good, oldschool func_vehicle to do cool race maps and epic negev-mac10 gangsta fights! Because Counter-Strike is not Counter-Strike without WORKING func_ve...
- awp_her_pleasureN/A
**** map for CS:GO. **** map for CS:GO. **** map for CS:GO. **** map for CS:GO. **** map for CS:GO. **** map for CS:GO. **** map for CS:GO. **** map for CS:GO.
By Uncredited - de_chivalryN/A
This version is designed for Demolition and Classic Casual/Competitive gamemodes. Arms Race version available here: Step into the arena, if you dare! First revision of ar_chivalry, modeled after the arena map from Chivalry: Medieval W...
- Enhanced Counter-Strike Global OffensiveN/A
This small addition remove invisible pink and red walls on all maps which not allow players walk through them. Contains version for Counter-Strike Source. Now were added invisible ladders on walls
- Cs_PrisonN/A
A hostage rescue map. Terrorists have captured UN peacekeepers and are holding them in a small local prison. Get them out !! Comments cheerfully accepted and encouraged. Thanks for playing my map !
- FauquierBeta N/A
Introduction Hello and welcome to my first map for Counter Strike:Global Offensive. How ever this isn't my first time using the source engine. I have made tons of maps using the older version of the source engine for Left 4 Dead 2, publi...
- am_7ktgaming_1v1N/A
Remake of Multi 1v1 Arena map: am_map1v1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Added 2 more spawns! (now 3 spawns on each side). Original map only had 1 wich made it easy to predict whe...
- de_villaggioBeta N/A
A bomb defusal map set in an old town in Italy. This is my first attempt at mapping for counter-strike and it's a work in progress. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
- cs_intrusionN/A
Game Types: Classic, Deathmatch The Terrorists rushed into a company and took some hostages. The CT's in front of the building are ready to rescue them. You like this map? Please rate on steam workshop. Thanks!
By Ringel - de_himeji_castleN/A
de_himeji_castle is a map created by me for the GameBanana 'Famous Landmarks' contest. I choose this castle based on high demand for asian themes by many people (not only on GameBanana but also outside of the contest) and therefor I deci...
- PAYDAY 2 Soundmod (CS:GO)N/A
Sound effects taken from PAYDAY 2 have undergone a minor upgrade courtesy of the semi-talented staff at Riviera Software. All weapon firing sounds are changed to sounds mixed originating from PAYDAY 2 and mixed with extra LFE and atmosp...
- 35hp_propranN/A
Gamebanana: /maps/184218 Prepare your knife and fight! 14.01.2015 - v. 1.0 (stable) 31.05.2015 - v. 2.0 (added Phong shading, decreased .bsp file size)
By Mamorex