- de_verb
Story: The CIA has temporarily deposited explosives in the town of Verb intending to move them away as quickly as possible. The Terrorists stormed into town before the CIA could leave with the explosives and they want to cause as m...
- de_trim
Story: The millitary has temporarily deployed its explosives in the town of Trim until the railroad outside the city is fixed. Terrrorists from the Middle East intercepted radio communication and are planning to bomb the city in re...
- Danger Zone:dz_csgoworldBeta
This is a map of Danger Zone; Console:game_mode 0;game_type 6;map dz_csgoworld This map is the largest one of all over the CSGO maps, it is four times the size of dz_blacksite/dz_sirocco, to make it as possibly as an openworld; The ma...
- | Complex |Beta
- Bomb/Defuse (classic) CT- Defends site A&B against Attackers. Terrorists can plant the bomb @ the office side or @ the hazardous facility. - The map features a mix of CQB & open spaces that offer a variety of combat. Long range enga...
- De_Krieg StattBeta
Hello, This is my first CS:GO map, it is heavily inspired by de_Dust2. I've made this map awhile ago, it was a private map I made, only to play with my friends. As of today, I decided to publish it and share it with everyone! This map ...
- Narco
Narco, a bomb defusal map by Jacket The Terrorists have been using an old industrial estate as a front for their latest drug enterprise, but the Counter-Terrorists have discovered the site and are eager to shut it down, along with every...
- de_supplyBeta
(To get the most 'up-to-date' version, you should go on the steam workshop and search for de_supply and download it from there! I might forget about this site, so it probably won't have the latest updates ;) ! Heya folks, Insanity here!...
- Basketball
Basketball court with working score.
- nP.OrangeBoxtrot
Enjoy some classic multiplayer styled combat with this stylized map. Reminiscent of early multiplayer games, this map will let you relive your glory days. Another fun and aesthetically appealing map from nonPareil.
- nP.Central Express
An abandoned subway station gets taken hostage by a team of insurgents. Both sides battle it out amongst the decaying ruins of a once bustling subway hub. Make sure to look both ways before crossing the subway tracks! Another fun map by ...
- nP.Nuke Factory
Face the perils of the old Nuke Factory and stop a nuclear meltdown at the hands of the Terrorists. A fiery, fun map by nonPareil.
- Tokyo Complex
For easier install and the latest version of this map, subscribe to it on the steam workshop. Tokyo Complex by Albert Naumov version 1.0 [January 2016] Location: Tokyo Prefecture An anti-government faction seeking to unmask unethica...
- de_ritualBeta
R I T U A L By Tatu Eeugen Darkness - Fear - Mistery This is de_ritual. A map for GameBanana "Halloween Mapping Contest 2015". Enjoy this new map. Features --- 3D Skybox Moving Clouds Ambient Sounds Once trigger sounds Fog 2 Radars, in...
- de_offensive
Map created by Tatu Eugen Offensive is a map under de_dust bomb site A, map is also competitive and very similar to dust maps. Map include 2 bomb sites, A under de_dust bomb site A and B in different area.
- de_GranadaBeta
Hi Guys! I've spent 5 working-days to make this first iteration of the map. In de_Granada the counter-terrorists needs to stop the terrorists from destroying the Sunday marketplace and the local nuclear/narcotics storage. Patch 1: Mad...
- de_villaggioBeta
A bomb defusal map set in an old town in Italy. This is my first attempt at mapping for counter-strike and it's a work in progress. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
- Func_vehicleBeta
RAISING AWARENESS! I made this working "func_vehicle", to show Valve we need the good, oldschool func_vehicle to do cool race maps and epic negev-mac10 gangsta fights! Because Counter-Strike is not Counter-Strike without WORKING func_ve...
- de_mundian
Welcome in the city that is on the brink of ... what? I do not know anymore. But I can telly you this: your job set the bomb and survive or even have the opportunity to oppose group of people who will have the bomb. Simple, is not it? We...
- de_roach
Phoenix Connexion has set out to destroy one of two key locations in this industrial town: the Gas Station and the Pipelines. Can the brave SEAL Team 6 stop them in time? This submission was created for the GameBanana/CEVO mapping comp...
- de_grnlight_b3Beta
Classic bomb defusal scenario, now available in Arms Race and Deathmatch. Last updated to b3 on April 18th 2014. Also availaible on Steam Workshop.
- de_himeji_castle
de_himeji_castle is a map created by me for the GameBanana 'Famous Landmarks' contest. I choose this castle based on high demand for asian themes by many people (not only on GameBanana but also outside of the contest) and therefor I deci...
- de_veteran
Having just intercepted enemy intel of a bomb plot, the US Seal Team arrives at a remote industrial location holding two warehouses. Within these buildings lies a small but valuable stockpile of warheads. The terrorists plot? Bomb one of...
- de_rostok
Set in a fictional Nuclear Power Plant, play as the GSG 9 Counter Terrorists or the Phoenix Connection as the Terrorists attempt to cause a NUCLEAR DISASTER by bombing a shipment of DEPLETED FUEL RODS(A) or the PRIMARY COOLING TOWER(B)
- de_dacompoundBeta
First attempt at a map since Half Life 1 :) Quite a large map focused on balanced competitive play with each team having multiple routes to choose from. Feedback highly appreciated as the goal is to build a map that is actually fun for...