Map UT3DOM N/A Domination based Games and Maps for UT3 Domination, Double Domination, Vehicle Domination, and Vehicular Double Domination game types. All Domination based games support up to 4 team play. Includes ~20 maps, and it is also fully configur...
Map Jailbreak N/A In Jailbreak, like in many other game types, your objective is to frag the opposing players — but unlike other game types, fragged players go straight into safe custody in the enemy jail when they're killed. To get them out of there, one...
Mod WH40K Chainsword N/A Chainsword from Space Marines 40k. Primary fire kills enemies instantly with a "burst" type fire enabling you to "swipe" at enemies for an area attack. Capable of killing 2 or 3 enemies in close proximity. Weapon has decent range for a "...
Map Q2DM1 "The Edge" N/A A remake of the most popular Quake 2 DM map, Q2DM1 "The Edge". Medium size map set in a strogg industrial complex.
Map WAR-Floodgate Winter N/A The Necris floodgate has been over taken by axon for combat training during a harsh winter. A conversion of WAR-Floodgate. See video below for a comparison between the two. Changes: Vehicles: * x2 scorps, x2 manta's at core * x1 Paladi...
6_6 July 2019 6_6 Posted this review 10 This review has been hidden because the user has been banned or restricted.
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